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Reflection of 2024

This has been a very powerful year for us, this is the second year of our vision to build a team of pourongo within the Te Tai Poutini rohe. We as Manahua and individuals have grown in so many ways, we have met many beautiful people, reconnected with our whare waananga whaanau as we journey the path Rongoaa Maaori in all its forms.

To our tauira of the Whare Waananga (Jools, Nikita, Missy, Te Koha, Paige, Crystelle, Ashley and Joanne and KC), Joe and I just want to mihi to you for what you do for your whakapapa, Community and who you are as people. Amazing mahi you do to bring Mirimiri and Romiromi to our haapori, let's keep going.

To our Pourongo whom have been there at the time we were ready to receive.

Berdie Milner (miss you my friend}

Dr Ramari Stewart

Jolie Davis (Manawa Ora)

Ruatau Perez (Te Arateatea), Papa Joe Delamere ( Te Whare Waananga)

To Eli and the Whare Manaaki whaanau, thanks for holding us and the manaaki you and your team share with us.

To Nikita who wears a lot of potae, thanks for holding us as you and Te Hono o Nga Waka and the whaanau you work with.

Especially to our babies and mokopuna whom let us be the expression of our growth as people, parents and grandparents we love you all.

Here is the journey of our first six months of breathing in and out of learning and sharing. Among this is our weekly clinics that were held in Kawatiri, Mawhera and Hokitika.


Te Arateatea

Rongoa aa Wairua

Te Moata Retreat Centre

Tairua Coromandel

11 days of connecting with the raakau, teachings of Papa Joe Delamare

I met my kuia the Mamaku. Seen my European journey through Rimu.

Clinics in Reefton and Hokitika with the team.


Clinic at Carters Beach in Kawatiri for Kaimahi and community over two days.

Lake Kainere Lodge 1 day

Donna Kerridge and her team taonga puoro, romiromi and Rongoaa Raakau.


2-day clinic of collaboration with Ema Weepu from Te Ora Tika for Kaimahi and community.

Arahura Marae
Arahura Marae


3 Hearts 10 days

Rabbit Island,

Whatumanawa, Manawa, Puumanawa


Arahura Marae

Rongoaa Clinic 7th -9th

Level 3

Universtity Canterbury Westport Field Station

22nd to 27th June

Te Arateatea

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